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Saturday, 20 June 2009

Azureus (Vuze) Problem with Flash Player

I had installed Vuze in my Fedora 10. Installation went fine. But when I started Vuze it asked me to install Flash Player. It asked not once, but twice. I told to myself, "whats wrong with this Vuze?" I have already installed flashplayer then why is it asking me again to install it? Rest everything was fine with Vuze. It was downloading as well as seeding. No issues with its functionality. But whenever I start this app I always used to get this message which was frustrating me. So I tried to figure out the problem. I realized what the problem was and did some small changes to my Fedora 10. All was working fine, until I upgraded my Fedora 10 to Fedora 11. The upgradation from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 had not issues. But post upgradation had lots of problems which I will post it later. So again I had to do the same procedure. The changes which I made were:

Firstly, go to the plugins directory of Vuze. For example I installed the Vuze in /usr/bin/vuze
cd /usr/bin/vuze/plugins
Then find the file which is responsible to play the flash content.
You should get the output something like
Then create a soft link to any of these output. Note that the file should contain only and not anything else.
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/plugins/
And run
ll -s
And you should see something like -> /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/plugins/

Restart Vuze and job done. You should not get the message again.
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What is a Terminal

The first thing you need to know in Linux is, what a "Terminal" is?
A terminal is a text entry and display device. It is a mechanism for interacting with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks. It is a device in which you can enter the command as text and you get an output. The ouptput may or may not be visible.
To get a terminal in Fedora, from the Main Menu bar select "Applications>System Tools>Terminal". You will get a window in which there will be a prompt. It looks like this -> $_
There is one more prompt which looks like this -> #_
The difference is the later one is for the super user and the first one is for the normal user. Super user has got few more privileges than a normal user.
Try to enter few commands and you will learn much about it in future.
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Friday, 19 June 2009

Why Linux

First of all I would like to mention you what made me to switch to Linux from Windows. My PC used to get affected by virus now and then. It a;ways got stuck in the middle of nowhere to make me frustrated. That was the main reason for me to switch to Linux. And I chose Fedora at that time.
Later I found lot many reasons to stick to this Operating System. Few of the reason are:
  1. Cost: Linux is free, and that includes all the application software in it. Windows costs. And if you use a pirated one then you feel guilty inside that you are using a pirated software. Not only that, once you install windows rest all software you install are also pirated.
  2. Performance: Linux worked faster on my Intel Dual Core XP. The more software in XP the more slower it becomes. Not so in Linux.
  3. No bloatware: Linux is free from adware, trialware, shovelware, and bloatware. Running Linux is like watching the public TV network.
  4. Security: Last year, tens of thousands new virus signatures were documented for Windows, compared to 40 for Linux. Still, most distros come with firewalls and antivirus (AV) software. The nature of Linux is such that virus is not prone to attack at all.
  5. Dual booting: The best Linux distros make dual booting a simple affair, along with the required disk partitioning (so you don't need to buy partitioning software). Windows on my PC is still intact after installing and uninstalling a dozens of Linux distros (Fedora, Open SUSE, Live CDs etc).
  6. Installation: After installing Windows you need to install various other software which takes lot of time. With Linux, it can take as little as half an hour to install the operating system, utilities, and a full set of applications. No registration or activation is required, no paperwork, and no excruciating pack drill.
  7. Reinstalling the OS: You can't just download an updated version of Windows. You have to use the CD that came with your PC and download all the patches Microsoft has issued since the CD was made. With Linux, you simply download the latest version of your distro (no questions asked) and, assuming your data files live in a separate disk partition, there's no need to reinstall them. You only need to re-install the extra programs you added to the ones that came with the distro.
  8. Keeping track of software: Like most Windows users, I have a shelf full of software CDs and keep a small slip with serial numbers of different pirated versions in my pocket in case I have to reinstall the lot. With Linux, there are no serial numbers or passwords to lose or worry about. Not a single one.
  9. Updating software: Linux updates all the software on your system whenever updates are available online, including all applications programs. Microsoft does that for Windows software but you have to update each program you've added from other sources. More icing on the Linux cake is that it doesn't ask you to reboot after updates. XP nags you every ten minutes until you curse and reboot your machine. If you choose "custom install" to select only the updates you want, XP hounds you like a mangy neighbourhood dog until you give in.
  10. No need to defragment disks: Linux uses different file systems that don't need de-fragmentation.
  11. A wealth of built-in utilities: The utilities supplied with Windows are pretty ordinary on the whole, that's why so many small software firms have made a nice living writing better ones. Linux programs are comparable with the best Windows freeware, from CD burners to photo managers, memory monitors and disk utilities. PDF conversion is built-in, both into OpenOffice Writer and into the DTP application Scribus. All you do is click a button on the task bar
  12. Online Help: If you got any problem in you PC, there is always help for you to solve your problems. Lots and lots of online forums to help you out. Just type the keyword and help is right on your desktop.
  13. Open Source: Linux is an open source system. You can modify the OS according to your convenience.
  14. Tech Support: Commercial systems require their customers to depend on their companies for technical support. If there is a problem, users must often wait on hold (while paying for a toll call). While decentralized, it is often easier to get help with problems in Linux.
  15. Crashing: Windows crashes often and anyone who has a good experience with Windows can tell you this. Linux does not crash as such. Never restart the Linux with a hard restart.
And lot more to go. Linux is Network friendly, reliable and backward compatible. Despite all these the only demerit is it is not so user friendly for a newbie. Once you get hold of Linux you know how to handle it.

In my blog I will add all those helpful tips and tools to assit you to get more friendly with Linux. I will post all those useful tips for the newbies and experienced.

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