The next version of Ubuntu is coming soon

Monday 10 August 2009

Installing J2EE in Ubuntu Linux with error

Recently I downloadd J2EE from and tried to install. I got the
following error:

error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I tried to search the internet for this error. But I could not find
any solution easily. I tried hard and found a link and worked around
it to solved my problem.

As the above error suggests that is not found
and it has to be installed. I triend issuing the following command
which did not work.

sudo apt-get install

I also tried to search it via aptitude, but could not find any alternatives.

Although the Ubuntu package which contains this library has not got
the same name. You can install it via the following command:

sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

If the package manager still says such a package isn't found, it means
you have to update you "sources.list" file. But this option is
available for Debian OS. As Ubuntu is also a debian based OS you can
always use the same format into your /etc/apt/source.list file.

Open up a terminal and issue this command

gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Then add this line to the end of the sources.list file, which will fetch the deb file.
like this:

deb etch main

Or else if you do not like to use package manager then just go to this
following link and download the required file and install it to your

Hope your problem get solved. Dont forget to put a comment. Please let
me know if you have used the package manager or direct download.

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